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Pitra Dosh ke Upay: पितृ दोष को दूर करने के उपाय

हर काम में आ रही है बाधाएं तो हो सकता है पितृ दोष

Harishiv: पितृ दोष के उपाय: यदि घर में पितृ दोष हो तो व्यक्ति को कई तरह की परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। अच्छी रकम कमाने से आर्थिक स्थिति में सुधार नहीं होता है। ऐसे में पितृ दोष से मुक्ति पाने के लिए आप ये ज्योतिषीय उपाय कर सकते हैं।

Pitra Dosh

पितृ दोष क्या है?

जब किसी व्यक्ति की मृत्यु के बाद उसका अंतिम संस्कार नियमानुसार नहीं किया जाता है या किसी व्यक्ति की अकाल मृत्यु हो जाती है तो उस व्यक्ति के परिवार को पितृ दोष का सामना करना पड़ता है।

पितृ दोष के क्या लक्षण होते हैं?

जिन लोगों की कुंडली में पितृ दोष होता है उन्हें अपने जीवन में कई तरह की परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। इनके विवाह में रुकावटें आती हैं। पितर दोष के कारण दुर्घटना होने की संभावना बढ़ जाती है। नौकरी या व्यवसाय में हानि हो सकती है। साथ ही वंश चलाने में भी दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ता है।

पितृ दोष दूर करने के 10 उपाय?

  1. मृतक की मृत्यु की तिथि पर जरूरतमंदों और ब्राह्मणों को उनके सामर्थ्य के अनुसार भोजन और दक्षिणा देनी चाहिए।
  2. पीपल के पेड़ को दोपहर के समय जल चढ़ाएं। साथ ही फूल, अक्षत, दूध, गंगाजल और काले तिल अर्पित करें।
  3. जल में काले तिल मिलाकर दक्षिण दिशा में अर्पित करें।
  4. रोज सुबह उठकर दक्षिण दिशा की ओर मुंह करके पितरों को प्रणाम करें।
  5. पितृ दोष दूर करने के लिए आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर लोगों की मदद करें।
  6. शाम के समय दीपक जलाकर नाग सतोत्र, महामृत्युंजय मंत्र और रुद्र सूक्त या पितृ सतोत्र और नवग्रह का पाठ करना चाहिए।
  7. सोमवार की सुबह स्नान के बाद शिव मंदिर जाएं और आक, दही और बेलपत्र के 21 फूलों से भगवान शिव की पूजा करें।
  8. पितृ दोष से मुक्ति के लिए किसी गरीब कन्या की शादी में मदद करनी चाहिए।
  9. गाय का दान करने से पितृ दोष से मुक्ति मिलती है।
  10. घी में कपूर डुबोकर जलाने से पितृदोष का निवारण होता है। घर में रोज सुबह-शाम कपूर जलाएं।
Pitra Dosh ke Upay

पितृ दोष के कई अलग-अलग तरीके हो सकते हैं, जिनमें शामिल हैं:

  • मृत पूर्वज के अंतिम संस्कार का अनुचित प्रदर्शन।
  • माता-पिता या अन्य करीबी रिश्तेदार की असामयिक मृत्यु।
  • पूर्वजों की उनके वंशजों द्वारा उपेक्षा।
  • कतिपय पापों का किया जाना, जैसे कि हत्या या व्यभिचार।

पितृ दोष के लक्षण एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति में भिन्न हो सकते हैं, लेकिन उनमें अक्सर शामिल होते हैं:

  • वित्तीय समस्याएँ।
  • स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं।
  • रिश्ते की समस्या।
  • करियर की समस्या।
  • अस्पष्ट दुर्भाग्य।

पितृ दोष के उपाय में मदद के लिए आप यहां कुछ अतिरिक्त चीजें कर सकते हैं:

  • दूसरों के प्रति दयालु और दयालु बनें।
  • सदाचार और अच्छे कर्मों का जीवन व्यतीत करें।
  • उन्हें क्षमा करें जिन्होंने आपके साथ गलत किया है।
  • अपने जीवन में आशीर्वाद के लिए आभारी रहें।

Houses of the Zodiac: Their Significance

There are twelve parts of the zodiac, called signs or Rashis. Each sign of the zodiac is 30° in extent. The zodiacal signs are tabulated below:

zodiac sign

Grouping of Signs:

The signs can be categorized into groups from Aries onwards. They are termed movable or cardinal, fixed, and common or mutable. Movable signs show an energetic and dynamic nature; fixed signs, three tenacious and stubborn natures; and common signs changeable nature.


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Each sign starting from Aries onwards is also sequentially termed as odd (or male) and even (or female). All odd s are cruel and masculine and all even signs are mild and signs feminine.

Harishiv Astro

The signs can also be divided into four representing the basic elements groups, fire, earth, air, and water. Thus the signs starting from Aries onwards are termed sequentially as fiery, earthy, airy, and watery.

Harishiv Horoscope


The twelve divisions of the zodiac are also called houses or Bhavas. The position of the zodiac signs at the time of birth varies from one individual to another. For example, if a person is born with Leo as the rising sign, it becomes the first house (as different from the signs of the zodiac-when it is the fifth sign when Aries is taken as the first sign).

Any one of the twelve signs rising on the Eastern horizon at the time of the birth of an individual is called the rising sign of ascendant (Lagna). The sign next to the rising sign or Lagna is the 2nd house, the 3rd sign from the rising sign is the 3rd house, and so on.


Thus, in every horoscope, there are 12 houses and each house is 30° in extent. Each of the 12 houses has a different value and significance for each individual, according to his date and time of birth. In the Western system, yet, all houses are not of 30°. They vary according to the latitude¹ of the place and time of the longitude of a house is the starting point of that house, ie the first house starts from the longitude of the ascendant and extends to the longitude of the 2nd house, from which point again, the 2nd house begins, and so on. Thus, the longitudes of the different houses are the junction points of the houses and, as such, they are called the cusps or Sandhis of the houses.

According to the Indian system, the longitudes or longitudes of the houses are the midpoints of the respective houses. A house begins from about 15° behind the longitude of that house and extends up to about 15° ahead of it. The longitudes of the houses are thus the middle points or Sandhis of those houses and are the most sensitive points in the horoscope. A house extends from the preceding Sandhi up to the following Sandhi of the concerned house.

Significance of Houses:

The twelve houses in a horoscope represent various aspects of a person’s life as follows:



Grouping of Houses: The houses are variously grouped as follows:

  • Quadrants or angles or Kendras: 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses.
  • The 1st house, besides being a Kendra, is also a Trikona.
  • Trines or Trikonas: 1st, 5th, and 9th houses.
  • Succeedent or Panapharas: 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses.
  • The 5th house is both a Trikona and a Panaphara.
  • Cadent or Apoklimas: 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses. The 9th house is both a Trikona and an Apoklima.

Omit a person’s life, the Kendras denote childhood, the Panaphara denote middle age, and the Apoklima denote old age. The 1st to 8th house is related to one’s married life, the 9th to 11th house is related to religious or moral beliefs and the 12th house is related to another world, that is, Moksha. Favorable houses or Upachayas: 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th. Death-inflicting houses or 2nd and 7th. Evil houses or Trikas: 6th, 8th, and 12th.


Strength of a House:

To determine the strength of a house, one must consider

(1) the strength of the lord of that house; and

(2) the strength of the disposition, that is, the strength of the lord of the house in which the lord of the above is situated. The meaning of the word disposition best be explained with an example.

Suppose in a Leo nativity, can Mercury, as lord of the 2nd house, is in the 5th house and Jupiter is in the 6th house. Jupiter, as lord of the 5th house, would thus act as the disposition of Mercury. So in this case, the temperament is weak because Jupiter is occupying its weak sign.

If the lord of the house and its disposition are both powerful, the results of that particular house will be good. If one of them is powerful, the results of that particular house will be of mixed nature. If both of them happen to be weak and powerless, the results of that particular house will be bad.

The lords of trines are considered as first-rate benefics. The lords of the quadrants are considered second degree benefics.

Lords of the 2nd, 3rd, and 11th houses are considered as 3rd-degree benefits or 3rd-degree malefic. In other words, if the lords of the above-mentioned houses are associated with good planets, they are considered benefics; if associated with evil planets, they are considered malefics.

Owners of 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are not considered good.

Harishiv Zodiac

A house can be considered powerful if:

  • The lord of that house is in a quadrant from that house, or from the ascendant, or from the lord of the ascendant.
  • The lord of that house is in a trine from that house, or from the ascendant, or from the lord of the ascendant. The lord of that house is in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th house counted from the ascendant (Lagana).
  • The lord of that house is conjoined with benefic planets or surrounded on both sides. The lord of that house is ruled by benefic planets.
  • The lord of the sign occupied by the lord of that house is in its own, exaltation, or Moolatrikona sign.

A house may be considered powerless if:

  • Its lord occupies the 6th, 8th, or 12th house from the ascendant, from the lord of the ascendant, or from the house itself.
  • Its lord is associated with or is between malefic planets. Its lord may be aspected by a malefic planet. Its lord is in the opposite sign.
  • Its lord is in its debilitated sign or else its lord is under combustion by Sun.
  • The lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the house under consideration is in a debilitation position.

Navamsa chart: Key to understanding planetary strength

Navamsa chart meaning Navamsa is a divisive chart used to assess the strength of planets in a horoscope. It is formed by dividing each zodiac sign into nine equal parts. The Navamsa chart is considered more accurate than the Rashi chart, which is the traditional birth chart. Navamsa chart can be used to predict a person’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential. It can also be used to predict events in a person’s life such as marriage, career, and health.

Navamsa chart

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How to calculate Navamsa 

To calculate your Navamsa chart, you will need to know your birth date, time, and place. A Navamsa chart is the most important division of a sign. When a sign is divided into 9 equal parts, each part measuring 31/3 degrees (30 ÷ 9 = 31/3 or 3° – 20′) is called a Navamsa chart. The whole zodiac is divided into 108 Navamsa. Thus, each Navamsa corresponds to a quarter or Pada of a Nakshatra.

The Navamsa chart is studied to consider the strength of planets. Suppose a planet is debilitated in a Rashi but exalted in its Navamsa chart position, it will produce good results. Conversely, if a planet is exalted in a Rashi and debilitated in its Navamsa chart position, it is bound to produce unfavorable results. While a Rashi chart is only a sketch of the position of the planets, a Navamsa chart provides exact information about the position and strength of the planets.

The table of the Navamsa chart overleaf will facilitate this calculation. For Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, Navamsa is counted from Aries to Sagittarius, that is, from sign 1 to sign 9. For Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, the Navamsa charts are counted from Capricorn to Virgo, that is, from sign 10 to sign 6.

Navamsa Divisions of Zodiac Signs

People born in different Navamsa charts can have very different characteristics. However, there are some general trends that can be observed.

Navamansha of Moon

  1. Aries: People born in Aries Navamsa are often cruel, rich, and have a thieving tendency. They are also potentially good military officers and have a restless minds.
  2. Taurus: People born in the Taurus sign are often broad-faced, intelligent, and have a big belly.
  3. Gemini: People born in Gemini Navamsa are often good-looking, playful, religious, learned, and have writing skills.
  4. Cancer: People born with the sign of Cancer are often irritable, rich, and have slanted eyes.
  5. Leo: People born in Leo Navamsa are often proud, famous, and have noses and strong bodies.
  6. Virgo: People born in Virgo Navamsa are often good-looking, slim-built, and sweet-spoken.
  7. Libra: People born in Libra Navamsa are often sensual, have attractive eyes, slim bodies, and are miserly.
  8. Scorpio: People born in Scorpio Navamsa are often thin-bodied, miserable, sickly, intelligent, and cruel.
  9. Sagittarius: People born in the Sagittarius Navamsa are often rich, virtuous, lazy, and have a good appetite.
  10. Capricorn: People born in Capricorn Navamsa are often greedy, fickle, sensual, and cruel.
  11. Aquarius: People born in the Aquarius Navamsa are often mischievous, deceitful, fickle, and of weak constitution.
  12. Pisces: People born under the sign of Pisces are often slender, sensual, rich, and educated.

Navamansha of the Ascendant

  • Aries or Scorpio: People born under the Pisces sign of the Scorpio Navamsa are often restless, fickle, greedy, and ruthless.
  • Taurus or Libra: People born in Taurus or Libra Navamsa are often popular, learned, and sensual.
  • Gemini or Virgo: People born in Gemini or Virgo Navamsa are often competent, famous, learned, and slim-built.
  • Cancer: People born with the sign of Cancer are often educated, wealthy, and enjoy worldly pleasures.
  • Leo: People born in the Leo sign are often powerful, rich, sensual, and cruel.
  • Sagittarius or Pisces: People born in Sagittarius or Pisces Navamsa are often happy, learned, and occupy a good position.
  • Capricorn or Aquarius: People born in Capricorn or Aquarius Navamsa are often poor, miserable, and short-tempered.

Sun sign Dates Personality by month

Sun enters Aries on March 21. Indian system. 

Sun stays in a sign for about a month.

Ascendant or Lagna in any birth chart indicates the physical appearance of the person. Sun represents soul, will, and energy power. Moon is the factor of mind and emotions. Unlike the ascendant, which is always the first house but can occupy any sign. Sun and Moon can occupy any sign in any house of a horoscope. These three – Ascendant, Sun, and Moon – comprise the tripod on which the edifice of a person’s life is built.

Sun sign Dates Personality by month

The Earth always revolves around the sun. It completes the cycle in one year. Although the Sun is stationary, each of the 12 signs of the zodiac comes under the direct influence of the Sun through the motion of the Earth around the Sun. In astrological parlance, but, it is said that the Sun stays in a sign for about a month. A person’s character and personality can be judged by the position of the Sun in relation to a sign at any given time by studying astrology. In Indian astrology, the position of the Moon at the time of birth is given great importance. But, in Western astrology, there is a lot of emphasis on position.

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In the following paragraphs, the basic characteristics of individuals according to the position of the Sun in different signs are described. People who do not have a birth chart or do not know their moon. He only knows about his date of birth. One can find out their basic qualities by reading the following details. As mentioned earlier, the Sun stays in a sign for about a month. This period of stay of the Sun in one sign is called a solar month.

There is a huge difference in the dates of entry of the Sun into each sign in the Indian and Western systems. For example, according to the Indian or Nirayan system, the Sun enters Aries on or about April 14. In contrast, according to the Western or Sayana system, the Sun enters Aries on March 21. Indian system is followed in Harishiv. Sun transit dates, as given below.

Aries (Mesh): April 14-May 13 Approx: 


People born during this time of the year have strong willpower, courage, and ambition. They do not like criticism and lack tact and diplomacy. They are straightforward and do not care much about the feelings and emotions of others. By nature, they are attractive and rash. They are usually successful in life, get a good position, and earn money. They are best suited for careers related to metallurgy, metallurgy, engineering, surgery, explosives, sports, etc. Their love affairs are quick and sudden. Yet, they are usually unhappy in their marriages because they rarely understand their partners. It will be good for a person born during this period to marry a person born between 14th August to 13th September or between 14th December and 13th January in any year. Diseases from which Arian is likely to suffer. They are headaches, eye problems, and cuts and wounds on the head.

Taurus (Vrishabha): May 14-June. 13 Approx:


People born during this time of the year are domineering and stubborn. They are practical, successful, and reliable. They are usually patient and persistent. They have great powers of endurance. Taureans make “faithful and faithful friends. They are very careful about their personal comforts and money matters. The most suitable jobs for them are advertising, public relations, music, catering, banking, engineering, and agriculture, to name a few. are. A native whose Sun is in Taurus is a sensual person and is very jealous and passionate in matters of sex. He can be misled by feelings and affections. He is born from September 14 to October 13, or January 14 and January 14. It is well advised to marry a person born between February 13. He suffers from diseases of the throat, nasal cavities, and upper part of the lungs.

Gemini (Mithun): June 14-July 13 Forecast:


 Individuals born during this period own dual characters and temperaments. Their moods are changeable; And as a rule, they are restless, diplomatic, and ambitious. Being intellectual and versatile, they are suitable for a variety of careers including teaching, journalism, publishing, selling, and acting. People with Sun in Gemini are incompatible in their love life. By nature, they flirt and have more than one affair. It is advisable to marry a person born between October 14 and November 13, or February 14 and March 13. Geminians suffer from diseases of the nervous system, digestive organs, and chest.

Cancer(Kark): July 14-Aug. 13 Around:


 People born during this period are changeable, restless, moody, and sensitive. They are more emotional. Because of this they are strong in their feelings and attached to their home and family. But, they rarely find domestic happiness. Being diligent and diligent, they usually succeed in business. They often rise to high positions in life. Success in teaching, acting, banking, and selling careers. By nature, they are romantic and very loving and affectionate. Cancer people would do well to marry someone born between November 14 and December 13, or March 14 and April 13. These people are likely to suffer from gastric upsets, nervous disorders, and inflammatory disorders.

Leo (Singh): Aug. 14-Sept. 13 Around: 


About Leos is very compassionate, generous, honest, straightforward, and authoritative in nature. They are proud and lucky in money matters. They have a strong will and great determination of purpose. They usually achieve their aim despite obstacles or difficulties. The most suitable careers for them are the armed forces, civil services, finance, business, and politics. In matters of love, they are possessive, passionate, and loyal. They also yearn for love, which often eludes them due to their stubborn nature. Leos will find compatibility with someone born between December 14 and January 13, or April 14 and May 13. Leos suffer from heart problems and pain in the head and ears.

Virgo (Kanya): September 14-October 13. Around: 


The Sun stays in Virgo from around September 14 to October 13. Such people are generally successful in life. They also have good and keen analytical power. They are neither influenced nor deceived by others. They always try to keep the standard of living high. Virgos can be successful in business. They are also capable of adapting themselves to various professions such as banking, medicine, journalism, law, and telecommunications. On the emotional front, yet, they are difficult to understand. Both strong and weak characters are found in this sun sign. They should marry a person born between the 14th of January and the 13th of February or the 14th of May and the 13th of June. Diseases from which they are likely to suffer. They are chest pains and neuritis of the shoulder and arm.

Libra (Tula): October 14-November. 13 Approx:


 The Sun stays in Libra approximately between October 14 and November 13. Individuals born during this period are always decisive in their thoughts and actions. They have great foresight and insight. They are diplomatic, cautious, balanced, and fair. They have a large circle of friends and acquaintances. All kinds of careers are suitable for them, although they are more successful as lawyers, judges, politicians, diplomats, and salespersons. They often occupy a prominent place in public life. But, on the marital front, they are rarely happy. They would do well to marry someone born between February 14 and March 13, or between June 14 and July 13. People born in the solar month of Libra suffer from pain in the back, kidneys, and head.

Scorpio(Vrischika): Nov. 14-Dec13. Around: 


The Sun is usually in the middle sign of Scorpio. Individuals born during this period are determined, independent, and energetic. They have a magnetic personality and are versatile. , the best and noblest individuals are found in this sign. Scorpios usually lead a double life. One for yourself and the other for others. They have clear ideas about politics and business. Scorpios make successful doctors, surgeons, detectives, researchers, psychologists, and military officers. They are very demanding in their sex life and are domineering and domineering at home. They have as many friends as enemies. They should preferably marry someone born between March 14 and April 13, or July 14 and August 13. People born with the Sun in Scorpio are, as a rule, thin in their early years, but gain weight in middle age. They suffer from diseases of the heart, lungs, and sexual organs.

Sagittarius (Dhanu): Dec. 14-Jan. 13 Around: 


People born during this period are passionate, determined, and passionate. They are usually outspoken. Thus, many make all their enemies. Being honest with themselves, Sagittarians resent being betrayed. They are friendly and sociable in nature. They usually go to extremes in all things and make rash decisions. But, they succeed in everything they do. Careers related to outreach, writing, publishing, research, defense, and sports are best suited for them. They are usually rarely happy in their married life. They are advised to marry a person born between the 14th of April and to 13th of May or August. These people suffer from arthritis and nervous system diseases.

Capricorn (Makar): Jan. 14-Feb. 13 Approx: 


The Sun is usually in Capricorn between January 14th and February 13th. People born during this period are determined, mentally strong, and independent in all their actions. They are hardworking as well as thinkers. They can excel in any task. They are capable of administrative or managerial skills including government service, commerce, agriculture, engineering, and education. They neither interfere in the affairs of others nor tolerate the interference of others. Their nature is a bit sad and, so, usually misunderstood by others. Family life for Capricorns is, in general, a hassle. They are advised to marry a person born between the 14th of May to the 13th of June or the 14th of September and to the 13th of October. They are prone to liver problems, arthritis, and foot pain.

Aquarius (Kumbha): February 14-March. 13 Around:

Aquarius (Kumbha)

 Aquarians are highly sensitive. Their feelings are easily hurt. They often lose control of themselves and say or do something. They also regret it later. They are sociable but suffer from loneliness in life. But, they make good friends and wise counselors. People with Aquarius as their sun sign are successful in debates and arguments. They have a scientific bent of mind and are successful as writers, doctors, scientists, psychologists, and actors. They take great interest in public ceremonies and meetings. In their personal life, they are often involved in secret love affairs and hence, remain unhappy in their married life. They would do well to marry someone born between June 14 and July 13, or October 14 and November 13. They suffer from stomach and circulatory diseases.

Pisces (Meen): March 14-April. 13 Around: 


People born during this period are generous, compassionate, and kind. They tend to be childbearing and depressed. They are loyal to their friends or to any cause, provided they feel they are trustworthy. They are generally successful in all positions of responsibility but are best suited to careers in education, journalism, astrology, magic, poetry, and acting. Pisces have a strong desire to love and be loved. Often, this leads them to romance in secret. They are advised to marry a person born between July 14 to August 13, or between November 14 and December 13. People born during Mina have a dual personality. The weakest and strongest characters are found in this sign. They mostly suffer from nervous depression, insomnia, anemia, and eye problems.

Solar System Information With Drawing And Pictures

 Solar system

The Sun is one of the stars in our galaxy. It heads a family of nine planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Herschel, Neptune, and Pluto. which is arranged in order of their distance. It occupies a central position in the solar system. All the planets including Earth revolve around it. All planets rotate on their own axis. also, move in long elliptical orbits around the Sun.

Solar System

The Moon is one-fourth the size of the Earth. It is a satellite of the Earth. It revolves around the earth in 27/3 days. At the same time, it also rotates on its axis. Mercury is the smallest planet. Which is also the closest to the Sun. Venus is closest to Earth and smaller than Earth.

Mars is larger than Mercury. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Saturn is the second largest, and Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are larger than Earth.

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The motion of Earth:

The Earth completes its orbit around the sun in about 365 days. The solar cycle is observed from Earth one by one through each of the 12 zodiac signs. Thus the earth moves from one sign of the zodiac to another every month.


The earth also rotates on its axis from west to east every 24 hours. Because of this, all 12 signs of the zodiac pass through each part of the earth once in 24 hours. So, about every 2 hours, a new sign ascends over a given point on Earth. Whereas, a given point on Earth takes 2 hours to pass through the zodiac.


The path that the sun follows is called asta or ecliptic. Actually, it is the path of the Earth around the sun. The wide band extending about 9° on either side of this ecliptic is known as the zodiac circle. A Rashi consists of 360°. Divided into 12 equal parts for astrological purposes. It is called a sign or Rashi. The zodiac starts from the first point of Aries. The zodiac rotates on its axis, once a day, from east to west. All the planets restrict their side movements to the zodiac. which, for astrological purposes, is represented by a birth (birth) chart or horoscope.


Zodiac Sign:

Each zodiac sign (Rashi) is 30°. Each degree of a sign is divided into 60 minutes. Each minute is further divided into 60 seconds. Signs are named after constellations or stars. This is because Rashi is marked by 27 constellations. Each constellation is 13° -20′, 24 constellations make up a zodiac sign. Each sign has its own unique attributes. It is one of the zodiac signs that the planets go astray.



The word planet is derived from the Greek word planets. Which means wanderers. A planet can be defined as a celestial body. which revolves around the Sun in an almost circular orbit. Unlike stars that have a fixed position in the sky and are always visible. Planets change their position and, sometimes, even disappear from view.




Celestial bodies are considered to be planets in science, although not all of them are planets in the true sense of the word. are listed in the table on the next page, along with their symbols and names.


It takes about 30 days for Sun and Venus to pass through a zodiac sign. , Mercury, being close to the Sun, is very unstable in its motion. It completes its journey through one sign in about 27 days. Moon takes about 54 hours, Mars, about 45 days, Jupiter, about 12 months, and Saturn, about 30 months. Also, Rahu and Ketu take about 18 months to transit through a sign. Unlike other planets that move clockwise (west to east), Rahu and Ketu move counter-clockwise (east to west).

  • It may be noted that Pluto has been left out of the above list of planets because of its little-known influence on human affairs.


Retardation and Acceleration:

No two planets make a complete revolution at the same time. Because of the differences in their speed, one planet overtakes and passes the other. This gives the appearance of stopping as it begins to move backward. This clear stopping is called ‘stationary’. Direct backward motion is called ‘backward’ (vakra). No planet becomes truly stationary or retrograde. It is only an effect due to the combined motion of the planets and the Earth, and their positions relative to the Sun. It can be compared to those trees. Which are visible from a moving train.

  • If a planet moves from one sign to another faster than its normal speed. So this phenomenon is called ‘acceleration’. All the planets except the Sun and the Moon are subject to retrograde and acceleration in their orbits.



Planets in intimate conjunction with the Sun are subject to combustion (Asta) and become debilitated. The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are in force or eclipsing when they are within 10°, 110, 120, 14°, 15°, and 17° on either side of the Sun, respectively.


Astronomically, the Sun and Moon are not planets but luminaries. Yet, in astrology, they are considered planets. , Rahu and Ketu are not planets. But for predictive purposes, they are treated as such. They are actually the ascending and descending nodes of the Moon. This means the points at which the Moon’s path in the celestial sphere intersects the Sun.

Astrology: What is Horoscope

A horoscope is a kind of chart. It represents Sun, Moon, and other planets as well in different signs. It shows the exact position of the planets. Which eclipses each planet at the time of birth. In simple words, Kundli is a celestial map. In which the position of the planets and constellations is explained. The sign in the East at the time of birth is called Ascendant or Lagna. The Ascendant in the horoscope symbolizes the life of a person.


North Indian and South Indian horoscopes

  • There is a difference between North Indian and South Indian horoscopes in India. Whereas in North India, the ascendant is always placed at the apex in the center. Houses are counted in the reverse direction.
  • In South Indian horoscopes, but, the positions of several signs are fixed. But the position of the ascendant can change. Houses are numbered clockwise, starting from the ascendant. In South Indian charts, the numbers representing the signs are not written. Whereas in North Indian charts Lagna and other houses are indicated by placing the respective sign numbers in the places.
South Indian horoscope

Indian horoscopes and Western Horoscope

  • In astrology, horoscopes are drawn in a square or a rectangle. In contrast in the Western system, they are drawn as a circle.
  • Indian horoscopes are called Nirayan charts. As opposed to the Sayana chart drawn in Western countries as explained in the overleaf. Each horoscope has 12 houses. Each house represents some important events and happenings.
  • According to the Western method, a kundli cast can be converted to the Indian type by subtracting the ayanamsha of the year of birth from the longitude of the ascendant and the houses.
Western Horoscope


Ayanamsha (precessional distance) is the distance between the first point of the zodiac and the vernal equinox.¹ Indian astronomers consider Vernal. Around March 21 each year (according to the Gregorian calendar), when the Sun crosses the celestial equator.

The equinox is stationary or stationary while Western astronomers consider it to be retrograde. Nirayan longitude and Ayanamsha indicate the Sayana longitude of any place.

Sayana and Nirayana systems:

The system of astronomy in which the movable zodiac is called the Sayana (with precession) system. This system is followed by Western astrologers. Nirayan (former praction system) is employed by Indian astrologers who consider Rashi as fixed, not movable.


According to Hindu Astronomy, six seasons are described here.



  • Uttarayana is a period of six months. When the Sun moves from Capricorn to Gemini.
  • Dakshanayana is the period of six months when the Sun sign moves from Capricorn to Sagittarius.


Samvat A period of twelve lunar months consisting of two fortnights – the bright fortnight or Shukla Paksha and the dark fortnight or Krishna Paksha. The first day or tithi of each fortnight is called 1, the second tithi is called 2, and so on.

In North India, Samvat begins on the first tithi of Shukla Paksha of the first lunar month. Meaning, Chaitra Shukla Paksha 1. In South India, Samvat begins with Kartika, the first tithi of the Shukla Paksha of Kartika. Shukla Paksha 1.


Solar and Lunar Months:

A solar month refers to the time taken by the Sun to move from one sign of the zodiac to another. Solar months are named after zodiac signs.

Solar Month

A lunar month consists of 30 lunar days or tithis counting from the new moon to the next new moon. The New Moon is a simple conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. This is when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun.

Lunar months


Every lunar month has two Paksha Shukla and Krishna. Shukla Paksha includes bright fortnight. This is when the moon is rising. It is the period from the day after the new moon to the day of the full moon. The dark fortnight of the lunar month is called Krishna Paksha. This is when the moon disappears. It is the period from the day after the full moon to the day of the new moon.



Every lunar day is called Tithi. The beginning, duration, and end of each tithi depend on the distance, measured in degrees, between the relative positions of the Sun and the Moon as seen from Earth. Fourteen lunar days or tithis, whether in the bright or dark half, have the same number – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. The 15th tithi in the bright half is called Purnima (full moon day). The 15th tithi in the dark half is called Amavasya (new moon day). It is the 30th day of the beginning of the lunar month.


Astrology: The Study of Predestination

Astrology is the most ancient knowledge and science in the world. By this, it is known how the celestial bodies exert a certain influence on all the organic life on Earth. Astrology helps to find out the characteristics of a person, his positive and negative qualities, successes and failures, position and status, and education. It also shows the possibilities to advance, profit, and loss. Thus, astrology helps a person to understand himself, his family, and his friends. This indicates the possibility of facing diseases, misfortunes, and dangers. In short, astrology shows the possibilities, capabilities, and limitations of a person. When understood, it is useful in everyday life. With the help of astrology, and using a little common sense, one can turn any opportunity to one’s advantage.



Astrology is the science of astronomy. In fact, it is a step forward, as it tries to trace the relationship between planets and constellations and their effects on human affairs. Astrology is not only a science—it is also a mathematics. It tries to show how every human being will live according to past deeds. In this, a special image which is Kundli is constructed. It is the image of the Kudli planets and Nakshatras.


The words of Alexandre Dumas in this regard

  • There comes a moment in every man’s life that decides his entire future. Although this moment is very important, it is rarely guided by calculation or desire. Almost always it is chance that leads a man. Whether this decision is right or wrong can be ascertained first through astrology.
  • A person’s horoscope contains information that can enable an astrologer to predict the exact time. in which that opportunity is likely to present itself. This is a wonderful and useful aspect of astrology.


Astrology is not magic. In occultism, the study of horoscopes or knowledge of the stars is not necessary. What a magician needs is his psychic power on which he relies for his predictions. But, the precise study of planets and constellations and the position and interrelationships of the planets, are based on which an astrologer makes a prediction.


Difference between Indian and Western astrology.

There is a difference between Indian and Western astrology. The Indian system tries to explain good or bad events based on a person’s past actions (karmas). While the Western system focuses its attention on character analysis and self-improvement of the core.


Branches of Predictive Astrology

  1. Predictive astrology is based on the reading of a person’s birth chart or horoscope.
  2. Ancients and astrologers called this an all-important part of astrology Jataka Shastra or Mool Jyotish.
  3. Predictions about a particular question are based on the timing of the question. Questions come under Shastra or Horary Astrology.
  4. Progressed Kundli deals with the casting and interpretation of yearly horoscopes. It is known as Varsha Phala. 

Harishiv.com belongs to the main branch of  Astrology.